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Hardened Stainless Steel BRUSHLESS Wing Car Chassis

Wing Car Chassis, Shop

Stainless BRUSHLESS Wing Car Chassis Kit

Initial testing of the chassis


Continued testing of the chassis


Chassis Assembly Drawing


3D computer modeled chassis design with .05” 301H Stainless Steel - Axle uprights and motor mounting Chromoly - If you have a hard crash the chassis may bend.


Designed for:

    3/32” rear axle

    3/16” diameter axle bearing holes

    9x9 motor mounting

Precision laser cut for ease of assembly

Kit part weight 19.8 grams


What you receive - Metal parts only, pin tubing and upright cross bar are customer supplied items. 

Pin tubing available p/n KCR-PTS.


This is a kit - nothing is assembled - Photos are to aide your assembly.